Produkty dla en organizacja (4619)

Roślina Limequat dla Agrumiculteur PRO - Cena dystrybutora

Roślina Limequat dla Agrumiculteur PRO - Cena dystrybutora

Fournisseur Grossiste Plants Limequat à prix Producteur Bio et Conventionnel - Agrumiverse, fournisseur et grossiste en plants de Limequat bio et conventionnels, propose une large gamme de plants d'agrumes à prix producteur pour les maraîchers, les Agrumiculteurs et producteurs. Bénéficiez de notre service commercial joignable et réactif 24h, avec devis gratuit et conseils personnalisés. Livraison rapide partout en Europe. Possibilité de commandes groupées pour optimiser vos coûts. Nos plants sont rigoureusement sélectionnés pour garantir des rendements élevés et une qualité exceptionnelle, adaptés aux pratiques biologiques et conventionnelles. Vente en ligne avec un accompagnement expert pour réussir vos cultures d’agrumes. Conditionnement : Pot 5L - 6/8cm diamètre - 150cm Pot 10L - 6/8cm diamètre - 120-130cm Pot 17L - 8/10cm diamètre - 120-130cm Pot 35L - 12/16cm diamètre - 120-140cm Site Web : Plant de Limequat:Pot de 14L
Niebieska Spirulina

Niebieska Spirulina

Blue spirulina, also known as phycocyanin, is a natural blue pigment derived from spirulina algae. Widely used across various industries, including food, beverages, and cosmetics, blue spirulina provides a vibrant blue hue. Its natural origin makes it a popular choice for those seeking plant-based colorants. Commonly employed as a natural dye in products like smoothies, ice creams, and skincare items. Due to its plant-based nature, it is suitable for vegan and vegetarian products, offering a stable and bright color alternative. CAS No:20298-86-6
Olej arganowy bio - Olej arganowy Maroko

Olej arganowy bio - Olej arganowy Maroko

Producteur huile d’argan écologique. Exportation huile d’argan Maroc.
Szampon deluxe

Szampon deluxe

DELUXE Shampoo est une formule crémeuse composés , de protéines, d’hydratants et d’humectants. Un shampooing doux, spécialement formulé pour nettoyer et hydrater les cheveux. Un système super hydratant d’agents nettoyants doux et de revitalisants qui rétablit l’hydratation essentielle des cheveux à son niveau optimal, puis les verrouilles. Les humectants ajoutent souplesse et flexibilité, le panthénol et la protéine de kératine ajoutent douceur et brillance. Les cheveux seront plus faciles à coiffer, plus volumineux et plus brillants apres chaque utilisation.
Ręcznik Hammam - Turkusowy

Ręcznik Hammam - Turkusowy

Hammam towel - Turquoise SKU:F4w-brt-TR Model:Breton
Phar smartSkincare Naturalny Olej do Twarzy - 15 ml

Phar smartSkincare Naturalny Olej do Twarzy - 15 ml

Olio viso concentrato, specificatamente formulato per la pelle secca che necessita di un surplus di nutrimento e protezione. I suoi principi attivi tra cui l'olio di avocado, un prodotto naturale fonte di vitamina E e acido punico che favorisce l'ispessimento delle parti più esterne strato del derma, aiutano a rafforzare i tessuti di sostegno e prevengono il formazione di macchie cutanee e invecchiamento cutaneo.
Ekologiczny Proszek Grzybów Shiitake

Ekologiczny Proszek Grzybów Shiitake

Entfernung und Geschichte des Shiitake. Der Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) ist ein Speisepilz, der natürlich in Japan, China und Korea vorkommt. Hier wird der Pilz seit Jahrhunderten angebaut und wegen seines Geschmacks und Geruchs geschätzt. In der asiatischen Küche ist er ein häufig verwendeter Pilz. Der Shiitake wächst auf Hartholz wie Buche, Eiche, Walnuss und Kastanie. Der Shiitake hat einen hell- bis dunkelbraunen Hut und gehört neben dem Champignon zu den meistangebauten Pilzen der Welt. Verarbeitung zu Shiitake Pilz Pulver. Der Shiitake wird geerntet, wenn er gut gewachsen ist, der Hutrand aber noch leicht eingerollt ist. Der Hut sollte sich bereits vom Stiel lösen, sonst ist der Shiitake noch zu jung. Wenn der Hut zu weit nach außen steht, ist der Shiitake bereits zu alt. Nach der Ernte wird der Pilz in Stücke geschnitten und zum Trocknen in den Ofen gelegt. Dann wird es zu feinem Shiitake Pilz Pulver verarbeitet.
Czerwone fasole

Czerwone fasole

Rote kidneybohnen sind ein beliebtes Produkt, das in ganz Europa erhältlich ist. Wir liefern alle Arten von roten Kidneybohnen und bieten eine schnelle Lieferung an. Unsere roten Kidneybohnen sind bekannt für ihren hohen Nährwert und eignen sich hervorragend für eine Vielzahl von Gerichten. Unsere Kunden schätzen die Qualität und Frische unserer roten Kidneybohnen. Wir arbeiten mit führenden Landwirten zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Bohnen den höchsten Standards entsprechen. Mit unserer effizienten Logistik können wir schnelle Lieferungen in ganz Europa garantieren. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr über unsere Angebote zu erfahren und wie wir Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
Joya barista mleko kokosowe 1l

Joya barista mleko kokosowe 1l

Joya barista coconut milk 1l is a premium quality plant-based milk designed for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the rich and tropical flavor of coconut. With its smooth and creamy texture, this coconut milk is perfect for creating the perfect latte, cappuccino, or any other coffee creation. Whether you're a professional barista or a home coffee lover, Joya barista coconut milk provides the ideal foundation for your coffee creations. Crafted from the finest coconuts, Joya barista coconut milk ensures a fresh and authentic taste that enhances the flavors of your favorite coffee drinks. Its convenient 1L packaging makes it easy to use and store, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of this exceptional coconut milk whenever you need it. Joya barista coconut milk is your go-to choice for achieving delicious and satisfying coffee experiences with ease.
Nasiona kardamonu

Nasiona kardamonu

Cardamom seeds are a prized spice known for their strong lemon-like aroma and flavor. Indigenous to South India, cardamom is now cultivated in North Africa and the Middle East. These seeds are encased in green pods and are considered one of the costliest spices due to their unique taste and versatility. Cardamom is used in both sweet and savory dishes, enhancing fruit and nut-based desserts, pumpkin, squash, and sweet potato dishes. In North Africa and the Middle East, cardamom pods are often added to stocks for cooking chicken or duck, infusing the dishes with their aromatic essence.
Suplementy diety w proszku – w pojedynczych lub podwójnych saszetkach

Suplementy diety w proszku – w pojedynczych lub podwójnych saszetkach

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in bustine singolari o gemellari, offrono una soluzione pratica per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le compresse. Questi integratori sono progettati per essere sciolti in acqua, offrendo un sapore gradevole e un'esperienza di consumo piacevole. Le bustine sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni, garantendo un dosaggio preciso e personalizzabile. La produzione richiede un ordine minimo di 100.000 bustine e un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, assicurando una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori. Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali, aminoacidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che gli integratori in polvere siano non solo efficaci, ma anche piacevoli da consumare. Gli integratori in bustine sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un dosaggio flessibile e un'esperienza di consumo unica.
Cordyceps - Grzyby, superfood, organiczny

Cordyceps - Grzyby, superfood, organiczny

Il Cordyceps è un genere di funghi della tradizione cinese noti per le loro proprietà medicinali e per il loro ciclo di vita unico. È disponibile sotto forma di polveri.
Naturalne zapalacze z wełny drzewnej, zapalniki do pieców kominkowych - 50 sztuk w opakowaniu

Naturalne zapalacze z wełny drzewnej, zapalniki do pieców kominkowych - 50 sztuk w opakowaniu

We supply two types of wood wool firelighters: Fluffy and tight one. Both are perfect quality and FSC certified. Start your fires effortlessly with our wood wool firelighters, crafted from natural wood fibers tightly wound to catch flame quickly and maintain it. These eco-friendly fire starters are perfect for igniting wood, charcoal, or pellet fires, offering a reliable and chemical-free option to begin your warming experience. With a clean burn and a high flame, they're an essential companion for your fireplace, barbecue, or campfire adventures. Carton box with 50 pcs +/- 2 pcs Personalized design available Material: wax dipped pine wood shavings Full pallet 504 boxes
Krem do stóp Mleko osła - 100 ml - Krem do stóp Mleko osła

Krem do stóp Mleko osła - 100 ml - Krem do stóp Mleko osła

"Rijke voetcrème geïnspireerd door de unieke voedende, hydraterende en herstellende eigenschappen van ezelsmelk.De ezelmelkvoetroom is verrijkt met natuurlijk hyaluronzuur, salicylzuur en ureum en beschermt de huid, herstelt droge en gebarsten voeten en hakken.Met deze voetcrème ezelmelk zul je snel van je pijnlijke voeten of hakken afkomen. Ezelsmelk staat traditioneel bekend om zijn genezende en hydraterende eigenschappen en is rijk aan vitamines en mineralen zoals vitamine A, B1, B2, C en D, calcium, magnesium en kalium. De crème wordt snel geabsorbeerd en laat geen vettig residu op de voeten achter, zodat u meteen kunt doorgaan met uw dagelijkse activiteiten.Deze voetcrème is een zeer goede keuze als je een gevoelige huid hebt, omdat de ezelmelkvoetroom vrij is van schadelijke chemicaliën zoals minerale olie, parabenen en petrolatum.Donkere melk is hypoallergeen, antibacterieel, vol vitamines en mineralen en is daarom geschikt voor een droge huid."
Stały Nawóz Organiczny - BeneSOL MĄKA Z PIERZA

Stały Nawóz Organiczny - BeneSOL MĄKA Z PIERZA

BeneSOL FEATHERMEAL 13N is an organic fertiliser that contributes to soil organic matter and soil fertility. It is an organic fertiliser with controlled release of nutrients over time. The time period of nutrient release amounts to at least 90 to 120 days. BeneSOL FEATHERMEAL 13N is an N-rich fertiliser with a controlled release of nitrogen. Due to the high nitrogen content, the development of roots, leaves, stems and vegetative organs is stimulated. BeneSOL Feathermeal 13N is commonly used as a highly effective N-source in organic farming. The fertiliser is also perfectly suited to be used as a supplement to other fertilisers. The product is manufactured in accordance with the EU regulations EC 1069/2009 and EU 142/2011. Pellet diameter 4,5 mm:100% Feathermeal Dry matter 97%:Organic matter 85% Very high N fertilizer with a slow release:Humidity 3%
BIO Proszek Maitake; BIO Ekstrakt Proszku Maitake 25% Beta-Glukan; Proszki Maitake - Chem2Market GmbH

BIO Proszek Maitake; BIO Ekstrakt Proszku Maitake 25% Beta-Glukan; Proszki Maitake - Chem2Market GmbH

Verarbeiteter Rohstoff: Fruchtkörper Extraktionsmittel: gereinigtes Wasser Trägerstoff: keiner wiss. Name: Grifola frondosa Maitake, auch als Klapperschwamm bekannt, ist ein essbarer Pilz, der in der Küche und in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin geschätzt wird und aufgrund seines Geschmacks und seiner potenziellen gesundheitlichen Vorteile sehr beliebt ist. Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Baldrian Bambus Beta Glucan BIO Birkenblatt BIO Brasilianischer Mandelegerling
Hiszpański olejek eteryczny z majeranku

Hiszpański olejek eteryczny z majeranku

Spanish marjoram essential oil, extracted from the Thymus mastichina plant, is known for its fresh, spicy and balsamic aroma, as well as its various health benefits. This essential oil is valued for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, being useful for treating infections and promoting respiratory health. Additionally, Spanish marjoram is known for its calming and relaxing properties, helping to relieve stress, anxiety and promote peaceful sleep. It is also used in skin care due to its astringent and healing properties, which help improve the appearance of the skin and reduce blemishes. In short, Spanish marjoram essential oil offers a combination of benefits, from respiratory care and relaxation to skin improvement, making it a popular choice in aromatherapy and personal care. Organic marjoram essential oil also available. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Thymus Masthinina Herb Oil CAS:8016-33-9 / 84837-14-9 EINECS:284-294-8
Organiczny Olej Konopny Kulinarne - Bazylia - Maison Wagram

Organiczny Olej Konopny Kulinarne - Bazylia - Maison Wagram

Redécouvrez la cuisine et ses saveurs à travers nos huiles culinaires innovantes, issues de l'agriculture biologique, fabriquées en France à base de chanvre bio. Huile culinaire à base de chanvre bio, goût basilic. Utilisation simple et rapide par pressions grâce à son embout pompe, qui permet d'assaisonner à votre convenance.
Olej Roślinny z Kokosa Organiczny Ref "cocos nucifera" - Olej Roślinny

Olej Roślinny z Kokosa Organiczny Ref "cocos nucifera" - Olej Roślinny

Coconut vegetable oil is a natural product obtained from the mature flesh of the coconut. Its origins date back to India, where it was already used for multiple purposes over 4,000 years ago. The properties of coconut vegetable oil are quite varied, with one of the most notable being its high content of medium-chain saturated fatty acids, which make it an excellent moisturizer for skin and hair. Additionally, it also has antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it useful for treating wounds or infections. This vegetable oil is used in numerous applications, from cosmetics to cooking. In the realm of cosmetics, it is used as an ingredient in moisturizers, hair conditioners, body lotions, and soaps. In cooking, it is used as a cooking oil or as an ingredient in baking recipes. Coconut vegetable oil is obtained through a cold-pressing process of the coconut flesh.
Pique polo 100% bawełna organiczna, dla kobiet

Pique polo 100% bawełna organiczna, dla kobiet

Polo piquet tipped per donna, in tessuto cotone organico di alta qualita' - Polo piquet elegante per donna, tessuto cotone organico di alta qualita', tipped con colori in contrasto su costine e collo, 2 bottoni, modello leggermente aderente. La polo per donna con tessuto 100% cotone organico di qualita' e' personalizzabile con finissimi ricami, stampe, strass, swarovski, loghi e scritte su misura e richiesta del cliente. Tutte le personalizzazioni sono di qualita' ed eco-sostenibili a km 0, perche' sono realizzate internamente in azienda. Minima quantita:30 pz. Taglie:XS S M L XL XXL XXXL prezzi:a preventivo
Cebule - Cebule Ekologiczne

Cebule - Cebule Ekologiczne

SC Biocrisveg is dedicated to providing the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables. From local farms to your table, our range includes tomatoes, peppers, clementines, and more, all grown to meet international standards. Experience the taste of freshness with us!
Organiczne Pomarańcze - Owoce Organiczne

Organiczne Pomarańcze - Owoce Organiczne

”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service. Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
2637 - Skarpetki do Sneakersów z Bawełny Organicznej GOTS - Dla świadomego klienta.

2637 - Skarpetki do Sneakersów z Bawełny Organicznej GOTS - Dla świadomego klienta.

75% cotton, 22% polyamid, 3% elastane Nice sneaker socks made completely without harmful substances. GOTS certified. Saves personal and environmental health. For the conscious customer. With soft hand-linked seams.
Naturalny Skrobia Ziemniaczana

Naturalny Skrobia Ziemniaczana

Native Potato Starch is a gluten-free powder that is derived from potatoes through a process of rinsing, cleaning, drying, and sieving. This product is suitable for individuals who are sensitive to gluten and can be used to modify the texture of food without altering its taste. Native Potato Starch has excellent binding and moisture-retaining properties, making it a popular ingredient in the bakery industry. It should be stored in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area and has a shelf life of up to 5 years. Foodcom S.A. supplies Native Potato Starch in 25 kg packs and Big Bags. Native Potato Starch is a versatile ingredient and food additive that can be used in various food preparations, including meat and deli items, canned vegetables, bread and flour products, desserts, soups, sauces, puddings, and jellies.
Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi 250 ml - Olej roślinny Omega 3 w szklanej butelce 250 ml

Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi 250 ml - Olej roślinny Omega 3 w szklanej butelce 250 ml

El aceite de Sacha Inchi en botella de 250 ml de Shanantina está disponible para su distribución en el mercado europeo e internacional. Beez es distribuidor de este aceite vegetal ecológico. Este aceite vegetal es un producto alimenticio elaborado a partir de las semillas de Sacha Inchi, que son descascaradas y prensadas en frío (primera presión en frío). El aceite de Sacha Inchi es rico en Omega 3, 6 y 9, así como en vitaminas A y E. Los consumidores están preocupados: Este aceite ecológico está destinado al consumo humano directo, para el público en general, niños, jóvenes y adultos. Uso recomendado: Consumo directo en frío para ensaladas o salsas. Condiciones generales: Almacenar el producto en un lugar fresco y seco, a una temperatura inferior a 25° C y fuera de la luz solar directa. Conservación: 18 meses en condiciones óptimas de almacenamiento en un recipiente cerrado. Envío : Envase primario: Frascos de vidrio (250 ml)
Słoik Kosmetyczny / Słoik / Słoik Organiczny / Słoik Uzupełniający

Słoik Kosmetyczny / Słoik / Słoik Organiczny / Słoik Uzupełniający

Kosmetik-Tiegel / Tiegel / BIO-Tiegel / Refill-Tiegel / Kosmetik-Behälter - Europäische Produktion und Qualität: Wir bieten Ihnen die größte Auswahl an Kosmetik-Tiegeln in den verschiedensten Ausführungen.


- Amla-Mazerat - Arnika-Mazerat - Bananen-Mazerat - Beinwell mazerieren - Eichenrinden-Mazerat - Gersten-Mazerat - Goji-Beeren-Mazerat - Guarana-Mazerat - Johanniskraut-Mazerat - Kaktusfeigen-Mazerat - Kamelien-Mazerat - Karotten-Mazerat - Lavendel-Mazerat - Ringelblumen-Mazerat - Rosenblatt-Mazerat - Schwarze Seife - Traubenkern-Mazerat - Trüffel-Mazerat
Surowy Organiczny Konopie

Surowy Organiczny Konopie

Cones Pré Enrolados > Tamanho: 1 1/4 Classic > Quantidade: 6 cones
Wapno paszowe - Podstawa

Wapno paszowe - Podstawa

CaCO3 95-97%, Ca 39%, Natrium 146mg/kg, Phosphor 0,22g/kg, Feuchte 0,2%


NEAUVIA™ ORGANIC INTENSE LIPS is specially designed to increase volume and improve the contours of the lips and eliminate purse-string wrinkles around the mouth. The dermal filler also solves the problem of drooping corners of the lips. The gel possesses high elasticity and durability and is injected into the subdermal layers of the perioral zone. SKU:NEAU-0004 Brand:Neauvia Concentration:HA 24 mg/ml, cross-linked with PEG Glycine L-Proline Indication:Small lips devoid of volume Lip contour modeling Wrinkles-lines in the perioral zone The Pack Includes:1 x 1ml Syringe 1 x 22G Cannula 1 x 21G Needle Results' Duration:Results are instant from the first treatment. Slow biodegradation means that results Manufacturer:MATEXLAB